The various specialist sections represent the interests of their particular specialty.
Any specialty may apply to council to create its own section if it is recognised as an independent specialty in at least 1/3 of the member states.
Every section has the right to create its own board to address scientific and training interests. Each delegation to a section shall consist in 2 delegates from the country of each member country of the council of UEMS nominated by that member of council.
A section may, subject to the agreement of the council of UEMS, conditional on the majority of the full members, create one or more divisions, under the responsibility of the main section, devoted to the study, promotion and defence of a branch of the specialty or competence, which forms an integral part of its practice, and involves a recognised higher training program. The type of activity carried out by this branch must be effectively performed, in either exclusive practice or as a competence of the main specialty, by trained specialists.
At present the section consists of the following sub sections: